Friday, February 12, 2016

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This large house, located in Kanagawa Prefecture and surrounded by the multi-talented Japanese architects Shigeru Ban designed directed, has a lot more for its architecture than what can be seen from the earth outside the walls. The building does not dwarfs most of its neighbors because it '; sa mansion of any kind (it; s not), but because much of its courtyard is actually included in the 4 walls. From a unique water-droplet hole formed at the center of the house, this farm is simple and sparsely populated by grass and a few trees. All the living area of ​​the apartment is arranged around this grassy courtyard, helping with thin glass walls and brick floors, to bring a sense of nature in. The entire house is minimal both outside and in, with plenty of space and an absence of unnecessary design frivolity. Although it '; sa large residence, none of this suggests overindulgence; Instead, it comes off as simple and clean.

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The roof of the house turns into a strategically more organic fashion, casting the correct shadows while also visually differentiated from one room next.

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At the corner opposite the house '; s entrance, another break in the court '; s walls open to a rear terrace, giving residents access to a social fireplace and many hosting space beyond.

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Each meeting room and outdoor meeting point of the house is directly accessible from the lawn, or through a series of connections within the protection of Building. Private rooms are tucked into the steep curved parts of the roof itself.

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During the day, the home '; s roof curves thrown peaceful shade on the enclosed lawn, what well-placed trees a key element of the most important times.

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The end of the drop forms a corner, out of the total space limit of the residence, making it a natural place for the home ';. s Input

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The biggest rooms of the house are social spaces, with this expansive dining take around a quarter of the inner edge of the teardrop.

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The curve of the wall line and the flex of the roofline itself makes for a unique and uneven height and square footage in each room.

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The reflections of thin sheets of glass from which make the courtyard walls just seem to be out of the area, holds every downstairs room of the house, open in feel and protects occupants from the elements.

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The small upstairs loft room of the house have been removed under the higher parts of the roof. The boundaries of the roof structure are evident here as space limitation, but they also make appropriate sleeps because of the intimate nature of a low ceiling.

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Outside, the house looks just like any other, has a squared modern creation; nothing about its exterior styling gives any hint of curving, organic shapes found inside. Only from within or above this can be seen.

Shigeru Ban Architects

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