Friday, February 12, 2016

1. Vittoria Orlandi: A Touch of Italian

Cream textile upholstery with gold (painted) fittings. Italian manufacturer bedroom Vittoria Orlandi has this classic phrase, the great reality boasts that every piece is created handmade. The set consists of a double bed, two dressers, bedside table, chair and stool. Since each set is hand made, there is also the choice of finishes on the bed headboard, chair and stool upholstered.

Vittoria Orlandi 1 Real Regal Living: 12 Palace Inspired Inspirations residence

Vittoria Orlandi Style

Purple, gold and cream, that's really the essence of what is supposed to be a royal court. , The mix of these colors is a tried and tested color palette

Vittoria Orlandi 2 Real Shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Home Inspirations

Vittoria Orlandi Designs & amp; # 8211 bedside

Vittoria Orlandi 1 Real shelf life: 12 Palace Inspired Property Inspirations

Vittoria Orlandi designs & amp; # 8211 feet of the Bed

two. Vittoria Orlandi: Gold

Vittoria Orlandi is brings you an elegant and ornate gold bed, matched by opulent antique chandeliers. The combination of artistic frame of the bed and the stunning eyecatcher tapestry and style of the quilt offers us a breathtaking beautiful and desirable piece of furniture that would be the selection of a gentleman or lady bedroom.

Vittoria Orlandi 15 Real shelf life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

Vittoria Orlandi Gold-Design and Style

Vittoria Orlandi 13 Original shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Property Inspirations

Vittoria Orlandi Gold Foot of Bed

Vittoria Orlandi 14 Real shelf life: 12 Palace Inspired Home Inspirations

Gold Theme continue with Gold Lampshade

. 3 Attractive & amp; # 8216 Je ne sais quois "

interior designer Charles Jouffre has encapsulated what this place is all about, an ordinary space and turning it into something extraordinary , something regal:. One thing in particular style portfolio Charles Jouffre is wide, producing fresh designs in hotels, shops, residential and much more The styles below are some of his concepts that have come to life

<.. p> Charles Jouffre 2 Current shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Home Inspirations

Charles Jouffre Suite

 Charles Jouffre 5 actual shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

Charles Jouffre living room

 Charles Jouffre 1 Genuine shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

Charles Jouffre bedroom

4 Captivating cream curtains

The palace inspired emphasis here are the curtains. The manner in which these soft cream are curtains could backs tied a tiny and like essential for the minimalist, but for those who added a little pizzazz and flare, this is definitely going to experiment a certain.. The rich antique mauve colored walls support the development of the striking contrast that sets off this full-length flowing cream curtains

Real shelf life: 12 Palace Inspired Inspirations residence

5 A Touch of Greece (Jennifer Lopez)

The bed looks like something pulled directly from the Spartacus set, and even on a palace inspired scale it is quite extravagant. The use of curtains over the bed is definitely eye-catching, but this opulence only be removed if you to fit the personality of it.

The room design uses a mixture of gold and bronze colors with extravagant shapes and flowing curves as a function of both the bed and sideboard

Guess who this bed belongs to :. . None other than Jennifer Lopez

Source : Explore the creation of this masterpiece in this video (sorry it's not in English!)

Jennifer Lopez bed Real Regal Living: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

Custom Produced bed Lopez

6 The recovery on the shelf

Bedding curtains and chandeliers, with a conventional head it screams royalty. The pastel yellow baroque wallpaper and pastel yellow wall next to this space offers an extremely soft, soothing, standard really feel. A splash of purple on the bed provides a quick contrast to the heavy use of cream colors, while tying the design right along with the curtains.

rest on the shelf 1 Original shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

The Recreation on the shelf Beautiful Bed

Rest in 2 shelf Original shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Property Inspirations

Classy fainting couch for when 1 Feels Faint

 radical truth in shelf 3 shelf-life: 12 Palace House Inspired Inspirations

With a beautiful ornate fireplace & amp; # 8230 and a flat screen TV of course

7 Celine Dion Château

Who would have recognized that Celine Dion had a have taste for Palace as opulence, but take a you appear to her home and you'll see, she was not conservative with what have been probably Childhood dream home .. The residence was until last year sales in Quebec So those who lie a few added pennies, this is what you can get for $ 30 million Canadian dollars.

Celine Dion 1 actual shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

Celine Dion Château

 Celine Dion 2 Real Regal Living: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

You & amp ; # 8216Living Quarters "

 Real shelf life: 12 Palace Inspired Property Inspirations

Classic dining

8. Charles Jouffre Continued

As Charles hits the nail on the head with his designs, it would be silly, too much of what show these delicious Designer. supply

Charles Jouffre 4 Actual shelf life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

A best mix of creams folds back into each other, complemented by perfectly crafted royal chairs and curtains

Charles Jouffre 3 Genuine shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Home Inspirations

See below the chair & amp those shoes; # 8230 Timpani any significantly lower than that in this area is an insult

Stunning purple color scheme under the chairs, curtains, vase, flowers. provides best table and lamp stand this room a wealthy lively atmosphere with out going over the top and try to sophisticated. The purple marble table, with virtually matching purple calla lilies crowned a great gesture.

9 Vittoria Orlandi: White

Vittoria shows us how Regal is once again resplendent with its white ideas into reality transformed into this nice clean design and style done with a touch of gold. Not every cloud has a silver lining, but Vittoria nailed him as their lined with gold! , This is an excellent example of how regal can modern appear

Vittoria Orlandi 3 Real Shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired residence Inspirations

Crisp and sparkling. A style with a golden lining

 Vittoria Orlandi 4 True shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Property Inspirations

Beautiful delicate white rose petals on pillows draw the eye to something that is usually very boring There's even a white cactuses on the night

Vittoria Orlandi White Inspired Style

Heart shaped mirror, just edged lampshade, fresh and clean. A major drawback is the maintenance of these clean look for the next years to come as a grubby fingers and dust can have a look how this rapid spoiling. However, if you have this style, then you can probably afford a maid: Dilemma solved

8 .. Uglyanitsa Alexander

Uglyanitsa Alexander did a great job, done the essence of opulence in this royal style. This house is characterized by the use of blow bars to every area, whether by means of the use of strong gold color or eye-catching textures and patterns. , In reality, the use of such exclusive ceiling coverings to bring continuity to the various design proposals in the different spaces

Real Shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

Where Old Meet New: Orignial design and style, new entries

 Real Shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Property Inspirations

Uglyanitsa Alexander Fresh Design

The glossy marble or stone floors aids to the light that brings a nice touch, reflect vitality and freshness to the royal chamber. This is a refreshing contrast to the usual low light and earthy tones, the palace inspired designs of Western Europe are dominated by. , The blue curtains may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they add actually do, the equipment touches to the room

Real Shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Property Inspirations

Michelangelo Hand of God Mural

Michelangelo Hand of God wall offers this living room really feel a distinct Mediterranean. This area is packed with detail on details in the beautiful furniture, wall art and roof ornaments.

11 Vittoria: Stunning Dark

Vittoria shows how elaborate and regal, in a lot of colors and styles. I love the black Murial on the wall, which gives the illusion that a lengthy extravagant hall is just on the other side of & amp; # 8230 night table!?!?! Perhaps the illusion would be better able to run when they have not blocked by furniture, but who am I to take away from this delicious style.

Vittoria Orlandi 6 Real shelf life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspirations

This design is that both the silver and gold. Some feel stylish, some believe tacky. , You make a decision

Vittoria Orlandi 7 Genuine shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Property Inspirations

In closer. View, we can see the floral designs in the head tapestry

Vittoria Orlandi 8 Genuine shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired residence Inspirations

Some will enjoy it, some loathe & amp; # 8230

12 Vittoria: Softly Does It

Sometimes soft works, and this is an instance of it. Nothing hard, nothing brazen reassuring. Earth tones throughout the region is suitable for a homey feel royal. The arch window is a real feature in this room. The color scheme is timeless

Vittoria Orlandi 9 Genuine shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Home Inspirations

earthy colors in curtains, floor and bed

Vittoria Orlandi 11 Genuine shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Home Inspirations

It's all about the details

Vittoria Orlandi 12 Genuine shelf-life: 12 Palace Inspired Home Inspirations

a fresh touch to an old design

read real shelf life: 12 Palace Inspired House Inspiration

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